• 02/13/25, 5:37 PM Arrived jet lagged but 30C weather, great city, great food

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February 13, 2025 at 5:37 PM  â€¢  Patagonia Arrived jet lagged but 30C weather, great city, great food

Randy checking in with early days post:
24 hrs from Vancouver to Santiago. A little jet lagged but roamed the art district around the hotel. Beautiful churches and museums. Great feeling the 30C sun!
Such a clean and vibrant city. Lots of parks and pathways. Great food and wine. So many bakeries and ice cream shops.
Fantastic wine pairing dinner and the first Pisco Sour cocktails for the gang. We raised a toast to our friend Corry who had to abandon the trip at last minute.
Next day wandered the Bellavista , shopping area with open markets. Then back again for steaks and ceviche-so good.
A 5 AM morning to the airport for the final 3 hours to Puerto Natales. From the air we got a view of the rugged snow covered mountains and volcanoes of Patagonia .
Our hotel is at the waters edge overlooking the fjord with mountains in the distance. The wind always howls but we were treated to a sunny day. More shopping for last minute gear and a meeting with our guides to plan the trek tomorrow. We indulged in a wood fired BBQ house that served outstanding steaks. A nap and repack before a sumptuous seafood dinner, the size and quality that have never seen! We should be able to coast on camp rations for a few days😄. Another early night for an early departure for our first day on the trail and 21 km hike. Let’s hope the weather and our feet hold up.
Big shout out to my family and friends back home. We are filling out flags to fly at the high pass. Cheers to the staff and kids at BC and Manitoba Children’s hospital.
We will update when we can from Torres del Paines
Cheers, Randy