Climbers  >  Andrea Bailey


Vancouver  |   Accountant

Help me raise money for
BC Children's Hospital



About Me

I am honoured and nervous to join the Summits of Hope hiking expedition to Kilimanjaro, it will put me out of my comfort zone and will be my first high altitude climb. I love mountains! I love to look at them, hike them and ski them, but I am a very inexperienced camper! That will be my mountain to climb! In reality a small hill compared to the height of the mountain that the sick children in the hospital have to climb every day. It will be very rewarding to help the children and their families by raising money for BC Children's Hospital, all while hiking and challenging myself. Please help me raise funds for the kids and families in BC that need help. 100% of your donations go directly to BC Children’s Hospital supporting sick kids around BC and giving them access to expert pediatric care when they need it. The funds raised by Summits of Hope will go to support innovative research, specialized tools, and compassionate care for more effective treatments for sick kids in all of British Columbia. BC Children's Hospital is committed to improving the health of kids which will have a ripple effect as more and more research shows that many illnesses in adulthood have their origins in childhood. Together we can help put smiles on the children's faces.
"It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves." - Sir Edmund Hilary

Past Climbs

  • Kilimanjaro 2023