Climbers  >  Brendan Rogers


Winnipeg Mb.  |   Investment Advisor

Help me raise money for
Children's Hospital Foundation of Manitoba



About Me

I was born and raised in Vancouver and have lived all across this great country of ours and now currently live in Winnipeg. Many of my fondest memories are from the outdoors in BC. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead and forging new friendships while on this journey. As a father, I have been blessed with good fortune. I have been spared the pain of a sick child and for that I am genuinely grateful. I am a big believer in giving back, as to whom much is given much is expected. I also have faith in that there is nothing in life that cannot be overcome with time, friendship, and attention to the matter. The journey that each of us makes through our lives can have hardship as often as it is touched by joy. When we encounter adversity, the stress we feel can erode our optimism, eventually convincing us that the issues we face cannot be overcome. In truth, there is no situation so dire, no challenge so great, and no choice so bewildering that it cannot be overcome. I feel that is the essence of work that is done by the Children's Hospital Foundation. This remarkable opportunity to pay it forward through fundraising and sweat equity is sincerely humbling. I have participated in many fundraising initiatives all across Canada and have seen the fruits of the labors of countless volunteers and respective professionals in achieving their collective goal.
""Without inspiration, no human being raises beyond the limitation in which he lives." " - SOH

Past Climbs

  • Everest Base Camp 2010
  • Kilimanjaro 2011
  • Kilimanjaro 2018 - MB
  • Patagonia