Climbers  >  Craig Cantlie


Vancouver, BC  |   Vice-Principal

Help me raise money for
Children's Hospital



About Me

I am thrilled to be joining the Summits of Hope team for Kilimanjaro 2012. As an avid backpacker who has been fortunate to travel extensively throughout Europe, Asia and beyond, it is exciting to be connecting my passion for travel and adventure with the opportunity to meaningfully contribute to the lives of those children who count on the Children's Hospital. Last year my wife and I were living in Tokyo when the March 11th earthquake hit Northern Japan. Though Tokyo was spared major destruction, it was an anxious time for everyone as there were many unknowns following this catastrophe. At the time, my wife Charity was two months pregnant with our first child. After brief evacuations to Australia and Canada, we returned to Japan until June 2011 where we lived with concerns regarding contamination of the food, air and even our drinking water. Perhaps these were unnecessary fears, but the safety of our unborn child was a worry to us both. Before Owen was born we were both extremely concerned that his health may have been compromised due to the stress levels Charity was carrying throughout her pregnancy, and our worries around the possible dangers in Tokyo. When Owen was born healthy and happy on September 15th, it was an incredible relief that, I'm man enough to admit, was met with many tears of joy. Knowing that Children's Hospital would have been there should Owen have needed it, was very reassuring. Since his birth we have been to Children's Hospital a number of times, and with each visit I have felt confident in the care Owen has received. For me, feeling reassured and confident is priceless and this climb is about ensuring all families have that same reassurance that Children's Hospital will be there to support the emotional and physical well-being of their children should it ever be needed. In my role of Vice-Principal at Ridgeview Elementary in the West Vancouver School District I hope students, past and present, will become involved in my journey to the top of Africa, and that my actions will encourage and inspire students to explore the world around them while recognizing that their actions can positively impact the lives of others. Join me on my journey by following my blog, getting involved through donations and fundraising, and sharing the story of my adventure with those around you.
"Carpe Diem" - Horace

Past Climbs

  • Kilimanjaro 2012