Climbers  >  Kelly Oliver


Vancouver, BC  |   Occupational Therapist

Help me raise money for
BC Children's Hospital, inspired by Henry the Brave!



About Me

It was a long time ago when I took the plunge and signed up for my first Summits of Hope climb: Ecuador 2007. A daunting goal at the time, and one that I will never forget. Since 2007 I have climbed with Summits of Hope 4 more times, reaching the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro three times, trekking to Everest Base Camp, and helping lead a team of climbers along the Inca Trail, a first time trek for Summits of Hope. Each trek has been a unique experience, with unique and inspiring individuals; each individual striving to challenge him or herself to reach fundraising and personal goals. Always a team effort, always an unforgettable experience. In recent years I have joined the Board of Directors of Summits of Hope, helping to raise awareness of the organization, encouraging people to join climbs, and working with BC Children's Hospital to determine how Summits of Hope can help the kids in the hospital the most. It has been amazing to hear stories and see first hand how the money raised is helping sick kids at BC Children's Hospital. Working in health care myself, I see everyday the life changing impact of traumatic events, and how important the right resources are for recovery and coping for patients and families. I am very excited to be joining the Kilimanjaro 2019 expedition in the fall. This will be my fourth time in Africa. My first trip there in 2009 was one of the most memorable trips of my life. A team of 21, reaching the top of Africa together, raising money for BC Children's Hospital together, and making a difference together. In 2015 and 2016 I helped to lead two smaller groups up the Rongai route to Uhuru Peak! New memories will be made this year, new challenges met head on, with even more money raised for BC Children's Hospital. If you feel you can help with a donation, please click on donate now!
"Everybody has a mountain to climb!" - SOH

Past Climbs

  • Ecuador 2007
  • Mt. Kilimanjaro 2009
  • Everest Base Camp 2011
  • Machu Picchu 2012
  • Kilimanjaro 2015
  • Kilimanjaro 2016
  • Kilimanjaro 2019