Climbers  >  Lauren Wilson


Toronto, ON / Vancouver, BC  |   Director - Sales & Sales Enablement

Help me raise money for
The children of BC and the specialist programs BC Children's Hospital Offers



About Me

Climbing mountains wasn't something I consciously set out to do but seems to be something I keep doing. 3 years ago I would have called people that train and set goals to climb Everest as crazy but now I am not so certain I am not one of them... Vancouver is my home - and I am privileged to still get to spend tons of time there despite having my address in Toronto for the last 4 years. BC Children's hospital has done more for me, my family and my friends over the years than I can ever express gratitude to here in this small bio. Personally, they have helped me through a series of 5 breaks to my right arm (taking it easy after a break is not advice I took), support through a severe eating disorder as a teenager and a disproportionate number of 'clumsy' injuries as I grew up as a curious child (who else gets a small piece of glass stuck in their heel that requires x-rays and surgery?). For my friends and family, well I could go on forever - they are amazing and support everyone impacted. There is no better way to combine my desire to give back and ensure they can be there for generations to come and my curiosity to see the views from different peaks than participating in a Summits of Hope climb.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. " - Henry Ford

Past Climbs

  • Aconcagua 2016