Climbers  >  Sally Warner


Whistler  |   Real estate agent

Help me raise money for
BC Children's Hospital


20 20
  • $1,250
  • $2,500
  • $3,750
  • $5,000
$11,755.12 raised so far
Mountain Climber

About Me

After doing the trek with Summits of Hope to Basecamp Everest in 2014, I experienced first hand the incredible results of the fund-raising done by Summits of Hope for BC Children's Hospital. Not only was it an epic adventure but in 2014 Summits of Hope raised almost $300,000 for BC Children's Hospital. As we were thinking 'that's amazing', we realized how much more the hospital needs to care for the kids who spend so much time there - research for a cure for a paediatric brain tumours, physiotherapy needs, staffing, toys - the list is endless. On the trip to Kilimanjaro in 2015, I got to share the adventure with my daughter and this year, I am trekking again with my daughter to Annapurna, Nepal and I am so thankful that we can do another hike together on behalf of the kids of BC Children's Hospital.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore.Dream.Discover." - Mark Twain

Past Climbs

  • Everest Base Camp & Kala Patar 2014
  • Kilimanjaro 2015
  • Annapurna Circuit - Nepal 2017